Welcome to History Tellers UK

Welcome to History Tellers UK! 

One of my biggest insterests is History, I love learning about the past and I believe there is so much to learn from the past which can help us with the present and future. 

The United Kingdom is rich in history from kings and queens, to success and tragedy. I am going to be looking at it all, I am going to be looking at key events, as well as key figures. 

The good thing is, history is continuously being made so the directions this blog could go in are endless. 

While I am going to try my hardest to make this blog factual, there will be parts which are my personal opinion or questionable depending who you ask, however I will make this very clear in future blogs. 

My blogs will be posted randomly but will be announced before publishing day. I don’t want to promise blogs and then rush to get them finished. I would rather take my time, make decent content and post them when they are ready. Also some blogs will be longer than others depending on research and topics. 

My first topic I am going to look at and explore is going to be Kings and Queens. I love learning about Kings and Queens, and I can not wait to get researching and posting about them. 

Anyway, this was just a welcome post, so I am going to keep it short and sweet. It was just to let you know what this blog is about so you can decided if you want to follow it or not. However, I really hope you join me on my new adventure and together we can dive deep into the history of the UK. 

I am on the social’s Twitter and Instagram. 
Twitter @tellers_history 
Instagram @history_tellers_uk 
I will post on both of them when a new post is live, so make sure you follow me and keep a regular look out so you don’t miss any new posts! 

Sneek Peak...
My next post is going to be about the Saxons. It is only going to be a snap shot of the Saxons, I just want to give you all a basic understanding of the Saxons and Saxon life. The reason for this is because the first few kings I am going to be looking at, are Saxon Kings. Therefore, it would be helpful to have a basic understanding of Saxons before reading about their Kings. 

Contact Me
If you wish to contact me for any reason, should it be feedback or requests you can email me tellershistory@gmail.com 

Twitter @tellers_history 
Instagram @history_tellers_uk

Until next time, 

The History Teller


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